Dreikönigenschrein im Kölner Dom

Dreikönigenschrein Panorama
Dreikönigenschrein im Kölner Dom | Kugelpanorama 360°x180° von Chris Witzani | 02.2017

Sehen Sie hier weitere Kugelpanoramen aus dem Kölner Dom, die Panoramafotograf Chris Witzani für den WDR und das Domkapitel in 360° fotografiert hat.

Explore the Shrine of the Three Kings in 360°! A renowned religious relic located in the Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) in Cologne, Germany. The shrine is associated with the Biblical Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men or Three Kings, who are said to have visited the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Shrine of the Three Kings is a large and elaborate gilded reliquary that purportedly contains the bones of the Three Kings. The shrine is one of the most important and well-known relics in Christianity and has been a significant pilgrimage site for centuries.

The history of the shrine dates back to the 12th century when, in 1164, Archbishop Rainald von Dassel brought the purported relics of the Three Kings from the Holy Land to Cologne. The construction of the shrine began in the 12th century and was completed in the 13th century. The shrine is a masterpiece of medieval goldsmith’s work and is adorned with intricate decorations, precious stones, and enamel.

The Shrine of the Three Kings survived the centuries despite various challenges, including the French Revolutionary Wars and World War II. It continues to be an important religious and cultural symbol and attracts pilgrims and visitors from around the world.

The feast of the Epiphany, celebrated on January 6th, commemorates the visit of the Three Kings to the infant Jesus, and it is a significant occasion for the Cologne Cathedral and the Dreikönigenschrein. On this day, the shrine is often displayed to the public, and a special procession takes place in Cologne to honor the Three Kings.