Schlagwort-Archive: Archäologie

Finistère 360°

Virtueller Rundgang Bretagne, u.a. mit Phare de Saint-Mathieu im Département Finistère
Virtuelle Tour Finistère 360° | u.a. mit Phare de Saint-Mathieu im Département Finistère

Nekropole Pointe de Souc’h – Menez Dregan

360° Panoramafotografie von Menez Dregan in der Bretagne.  

Menez Dregan est un site préhistorique de la commune de Plouhinec, près d'Audierne dans le Finistère (Bretagne, France). Il a livré des niveaux d'habitat du Paléolithique inférieur datant de 350 à 500 000 ans BP. Des indices de feux entretenus découverts dans les niveaux inférieurs comptent parmi les plus anciens connus dans le monde. La grotte est protégée par une carapace de plaques métalliques en dehors des campagnes de fouilles. L'allée couverte de Menez Korriged et la nécropole mégalithique de la Pointe du Souc'h sont proches de Menez Dregan.
Neolithische Nekropole Pointe de Souc’h / Menez Dregan in Plouhinec / Bretagne | Kugelpanorama # 4127 | 03.2016
Neolithische Nekropole Pointe de Souc’h / Menez Dregan in Plouhinec / Bretagne | Kugelpanorama # 4068 | 03.2016
Neolithische Nekropole Pointe de Souc’h / Menez Dregan in Plouhinec / Bretagne | Kugelpanorama # 4068 | 03.2016

Ausgrabungen unter dem Kölner Dom

Ausgrabung unter dem Kölner Dom | Panoramafoto von Chris Witzani
Ausgrabung unter dem Dom | Panoramafoto von Chris Witzani im Auftrag des WDR – | 02.2017

The cathedral’s subsoil has been studied since 1946. The site has also revealed the remains of two churches, the oldest of which was built around 800 during the time of Charlemagne.

Burial finds and the baptistery uncovered east of the cathedral choir show that one of the earliest Christian communities in the north of the Roman Empire was here.

The excavations have looked at about 4000 square metres of the cathedral underground, which is still accessible today. You can take a guided tour of the excavation site. This includes a visit to the baptistery and a tour of the cathedral’s show depot to the south. Some other finds are on display in the cathedral treasury.

Ausgrabung unter dem Kölner Dom

Ausgrabung unter dem Kölner Dom Kugelpanorama
Ausgrabung unter dem Kölner Dom | Kugelpanorama | 02.2017

The cathedral’s subsoil has been studied since 1946. The site has also revealed the remains of two churches, the oldest of which was built around 800 during the time of Charlemagne.

Burial finds and the baptistery uncovered east of the cathedral choir show that one of the earliest Christian communities in the north of the Roman Empire was here.

The excavations have looked at about 4000 square metres of the cathedral underground, which is still accessible today. You can take a guided tour of the excavation site. This includes a visit to the baptistery and a tour of the cathedral’s show depot to the south. Some other finds are on display in the cathedral treasury.